2025-02-10 08:52:37

Climate change adds to children’s woes

Climate change adds to children’s woes

Children and young people face the biggest brunt of climate change, including disasters. Studies suggest that it will worsen in the near future. For children in Nepal, climate change is a catastrophe for their right to survive and grow. According to a study titled

on Children and Youth in Nepal”, published by the Child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change (CDCC) Consortium in 2021, half of the people killed or injured by climate hazards from 2015 to 2020 were children and youths.

Climate-induced disasters hinder children’s access to health, education, nutrition and protection. Even though children are not accountable for environmental crisis and climate change, they are often the most affected by its consequences, which include increased risk of violence and abuse through displacement, loss of homes, disruption


